What : Heritage Open Day at The Collection.
Where : The Collection
When : 21st September 2019
Info : Open day event to show case many of the heritage organisations and activities around Lincoln.The EUS will be holding a stall and showcasing the research and surveys done so far, comparing the differences between the towns. This event is still in the making so stay tuned for more updates!
What : East Midlands Research Framework Conference
Where : Nottingham
When : 5th October 2019
Info : Presenting on the EUS, its programme, what it has achieved so far and the outreach that has taken place as part of it. If you would like to book, you can book through the EMRF website.
What : Walking tour of Holbeach
Where : Holbeach
When : 6th October 2019
Info : A walking tour, organised by the South Lincolnshire Walking Festival (SLWF) which will take insome of the highlights of Holbeach’s history